Mandorlino (Thing Fish) wieder erfolgreich


Annalisa schreibt mir folgendes zu ihrem Liebling. Er ist ja auch der Vater von unserer süßen jungen Salzburgerin Angelina 😉

Hy Sabine,
if you like, you can post this shownews about Mandorlino, Angelina’s dad.

He ended with BOB at the Purina Breeder Cup held in Genova on 15/11/2008. All the Whippets were judged in a single class from three different judges (FCI, AKC and British Kennel Club) and Mandorlino took BOB.

He was mildly inuried, because he scratched hard his front paw on a rough surface, so he was out of the shows for one month. But he started to do better just a few dayse before the Breeder Cup, so…

6 Kommentare zu “Mandorlino (Thing Fish) wieder erfolgreich”

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  1. Steffen - 18.11.2008 at 16:18

    Congratulations Annalisa!

  2. Annalisa - 18.11.2008 at 16:44

    Thankx Steffen and Thankx Sabine for posting :-))

  3. elke - 18.11.2008 at 21:20

    Hallo Annalisa,
    Mandorlino is really beautiful, gratulations!
    This week I go with Angelina to Vienna, to my family, but after this time, I will write to you…..lg Elke und Angelina

  4. Bianca - 18.11.2008 at 22:32

    Hi Annalisa,

    congratulations to this great show success! Two days ago Angelina was in our garden playing with Zinja, Wendy and my black Lab Sara.

    My best

  5. Annalisa - 18.11.2008 at 22:42

    Hy Elke, Thnakx :-))I wish you to have fun in Vienna! And visit the city for me too, I haven’t been there in years :-((

    Oi Bianca, Thank you 🙂 I’m happy to hear that Angelina has a lot of friends!

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