Ein weiterer Kenzo Sohn

Foto: Fionnmae

Tony schickt mir diese Bilder von The Best Man Fionnmae . Er wurde von Jose Cornelisse gezüchtet und sein Vater ist der wunderschöne StripPokers Arrogance, seine Mutter Wolf Tone Alexia eine Importhündin aus Schweden. Sie ist eine Tochter des legendären Ch. Sporting Field’s Jazz Fest aus America.

Foto: Fionnmae

Tony schreibt, dass dieser sehr vielversprechende Kenzo Sohn nun 15 Monate alt ist und den amerikanischen Hunden in seinem Pedigree sehr ählich sieht. In seiner ersten Show (N.W.C. show für junge Hunde) wurde er best puppy.

4 Kommentare zu “Ein weiterer Kenzo Sohn”

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  1. Tony - 29.11.2005 at 11:27

    If you want to take a look at the Fionnmae website go to: http://www.fionnmae.com/

    Sabine once again my compliments for you very nice weblog and the beautiful lay-out.It’s very pleasant to read your weblog.

  2. Sabine - 29.11.2005 at 12:17

    Hi Tony

    Thank you for the additional information and for the nice words about my weblog!
    But by the way, I have to thank you and all the other visitors of my weblog very much as well, because you bring life in it!

    Best wishes

  3. Henny van den Berg - 29.11.2005 at 13:36

    ahh so nice to see this lovely boy here on your log Sabine. I had the pleasure to show him on our clubshow last year and he did so well! He was best puppy that day and his litter sister BOS puppy. His mother the lovely Alexia we imported from Sweden. Together with her brother she arrived in Amsterdam still being babies. Alexia went to Fionnmae kennels to have a litter with our Kenzo and the combination has been succesful. To see more about the lines behind Alexia’s sire please follow this link http://members.tripod.com/~sportingfield/. to see more of the lovely Wolf Tone dogs follow this link: http://user.tninet.se/%7Eegf243c/IndexE.html

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