CAC Offenbach am 19.06.2010

Richter: Herr Wolfgang Baumann / D


Veteranenklasse (1/1)

Snap Dog`s Flavio V1, Vet-VDH, Vet-CAC
(Silverhawk`s Kim Mary x Ch. Snap Dog`s Duryan)

Jugendklasse (5/5)

Jgd.-Ch. Nihil of Gentle Mind V1, Jgd.-VDH, Jgd.-CAC, Jgd.-BOB
(Sounds Like Pop of Gentle Mind x Eclipse Down at the Blue Moon)

Sidi -Bou Double O Seven V2, R-Jgd.-VDH, R-Jgd-CAC
(Sidi-Bou Be One x Ch. Golden Peanuts Zephyr)

Tiopliy Veter Nori Masaru V3
(Tiopliy Veter Lepestki Na Snegu x Ch. Anahita Arva S Rokki Vinc)

Charming Cheetah All You Need sg4
(Whipcat Pennies from Heaven x Ch. Courthill Christopher)

Koseilata`s Gone to the Moon sg
(Koseilata`s Tingabell x Ch. Koseilata`s Yarred the Jumper)


Zwischenklasse (5/5)

JeeBee`s Dschoj V1, VDH, CAC, BR, BOS
(JeeBee`s Bagheera x Int.Ch. Bohem Time Flies)

Whipcat Your Song V2, R-VDH
(Hasue Love Walked in at Whipcat x Ch. Courthill Christopher)

X`mas Present von der Oelmühle sg3
(Pitchlory`s Cannes x Ch. Barnsemore Paint the Town)

Tiger Hill vom rauhen Meer sg4
(Briscola vom rauhen Meer x Taulanga Cannavero)

Crazy Runner`s Inspiration sg
(Crazy Runner`s Dynamite Lady x Graf Ferry vom rauhen Meer)

Offene Klasse (12/10)

Shalfleet Showcase V1, VDH
(Shalfleet Showcase x Ch. Lorribrook Trussardi at Shalfleet)

Courthill Cast in Stone V2, R-VDH
(Command Performance at Courthill x Ch. Dumbriton Casting Stone)

Golden Peanut`s Kennedy V3
(Almaglo Hermione x Ch. Golden Peanut`s Zehpir)

Xcess Corto Maltese V4
(Ch. Xcess Soap-Opera x Ch. Xcess Allez France)

Koseilata`s Come with me V
(Koseilata`s Pretty Woman x Int.Ch. Koseilata`s Three Times a Lady)

Whipcat Tainted Love V
(Courthill Chase the Moon x Int.Ch. Whipcat Fire Island at Courthill)

Ch. Joop vom Kleinen Berg V
(Ch. Niobé vom Kleinen Berg x MCh. Vitali vom Kleinen Berg)

Stanley vom Kleinen Berg V
(Ch. Callas vom Kleinen Berg x Finch vom Kleinen Berg)

Mondrian vom Kleinen Berg sg
(Ch. Uraya vom Kleinen Berg x Ch. Zephir vom Kleinen Berg)

Boston vom Brunckland sg
(Fathia vom Gründautal x Xantho Vulture v.d. Spaarne Meute)

Gebrauchshundeklasse (4/3)

Ch. Basingstoke of Gentle Mind V1, VDH, R-CAC
(Don`t Say GoodBye of Baskerville x Int.Ch. Whipcat Conqest of Paradise)

Whipcat Nobodys Fool V2, R-VDH
(Sandydown Puzzle at Courthill x Int.Ch. Courthill Crimson Pirate)

Fly vom Kleinen Berg V3
(Xandrine vom Kleinen Berg x Ch. Silkstone Secret Gold)

Greg Wild at Heart fehlt
(Bright Bizarre Wild at Heart x Quicksilver vom Meatloaf)

Siegerklasse (2/1)

Ch. Benjie Memories of Black and White V1, VDH
(Quicklie`s Evita Peron x Eezepeeze vom rauhen Meer)

Ch. Superfly`s Klickety fehlt
(Dreamchamer Easy to Love x Ch. Golden Peanut`s Magnum)


Veteranenklasse (1/1)

id est Eos V1, Vet-VDH, Vet-CAC, Vet-BOB, Vet-BIS, ältester Hund der Ausstellung (geb. 11.09.93)
(Ceres Z Bruniv x Welcome von der Kollau)

Jüngstenklasse (2/2)

Whipcat Flaming Star vv1
(Ch. Signum Lillies & Willows x Ch. Dumbriton Casting Stone)

Snap Dog`s Kyra vv2
(Darcy aus dem Gnomenhain x Snap Dog`s Doyan)

Jugendklasse (6/6)

Yes we can at Whipcat V1, Jgd-VDH, Jgd-CAC
(Whipcat Joint Venture x Hasue Can`t Stop the Rain)

Zoe von der Oelmühle V2, R-Jgd-VDH, R-Jgd-CAC
(Pitchlory`s Cannes x Ch. Barnsemore Celtig Tiger)

L`Incoronazione di P. of Gentle Mind V3
(Pommery of Gentle Mind x Ch. Sol Y Sombra Jour de Soleil)

Xcess Elisabeth V4
(Ch. Xcess Ultima Razzia x Almansor`s Norton Commander)

Sidi-Bou During Freedom V
(Sidi-Bou Be One x Ch. Golden Peanut`s Zephir)

Charming Cheetah After Eight V
(Whipcat Pennies from Heaven x Ch. Courthill Christopher)

Zwischenklasse (1/1)

If I loved you of Gentle Mind V1, VDH
(Pommery of Gentle Mind x Ch. Lord Fauntleroy of Gentle Mind)

Offene Klasse (8/8)

FlicFlac Orange Colored Sky V1, VDH, CAC, BH, BOB
(FlicFlac Night Music x Ch. Lorricbrook Bandleader)

Culture Pearl`s Fantasy V2, R-VDH, R-CAC
(Culture Pearl`s Blueprint x Int.Ch. Courthill Crimson Pirate)

Culture Pearl`s Blueprint V3
(Dollipop`s Bubble Gum Babe x Ch. Whipcat Moon River)

Jee-Bee`s Bagheera V4
(Jee-Bee`s Very Nice Dream x Dumbriton Lord of the Dance)

Candle of Charming Companions V
(Segena`s Kiss me Kate x Ch. Happy Hero Diamond Dream)

Quidni vom Kleinen Berg V
(MCh. Thetis vom Kleinen Berg x Ch. Golden Peanut`s Quando-Quando)

Sidi-Bou Cirby Cane sg
(Sidi-Bou Be One x Ch. Golden Peanut`s Quattro)

Forest-Laws Hannah sg
(Breathless Euro Lady x Duncan van de Gouden Star)


Danke an Tina Sammt für die Ergebnisse und an Barbara Schoener (Chilkiss Whippets) für die Bilder Rüden und Hündinnen.

Allen Siegern gratuliere ich, vor allem Claudine Pfister und Marianne Horlé und Christiane Beck

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