Gratullation an Jee Bee’s Bayard Warrior


Claudia Pfister schreibt mir:

First show……
Following the presentation of the Jee Bee’s B-litter of 2006, puppies out of our Enya (Jee Bee’s Very Nice Dream) by Mike (Dumbriton Lord of the Dance), owned by Rita Vanhaeren, I want to thank al the persons for their very nice comments.

Jee Bee’s Bayard Warrior, at the age of 9 months : First time out, First Victory !
I am very pleased to announce that at the CACIB show in Offenbourg on 10th Marsh 2007, judged by Susanne Oschinski, he got the qualification 1 Excellent, Youth VDH, Youth CAC, Oftenau Youth Winner, all this together with an excellent critic and being the youngest of his class.
homepage : JEE-BEE’S Whippet

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