Jewel and Chloe

Jewel (Of Summer´s Joy Mandolin)

Monique schickt mir diese traumhaften Bilder ihrer beiden Lieblinge. Ach, da muss ich sofort wieder an unseren Nordseeurlaub denken und bin wieder so richtig in Urlaubsgefühlen 😉 Nun aber zu den beiden bezaubernden Whippets, die ihr Leben dort oben im Norden sichtlich genießen:

Monique schreibt:

Greetings from our sunny seaside in Den Helder, Holland. At last the weather is getting better, and when it does I feel happy to live this near to the North Sea. On the picture my Jewel (Of Summer´s Joy Mandolin). She was born in February 2004, as one of a litter of 6 that was born in my home. She lives with me, together with her mum Chloe. On 27 May she was BOB at the FCI Euro Sighthound Show, which was held in the Netherlands this year. There were 70 entries, and we were very proud to experience her winning so unexpectedly!


2 Kommentare zu “Jewel and Chloe”

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  1. maia - 08.06.2006 at 13:38


    Very nice whips! Congratulations for the fantastic result, wow!

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