9 Kommentare zu “Die Welpen sind da!”

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  1. maia - 24.05.2006 at 19:58

    Very-very nice pics!

    Wow, how big are they now! Time flies….

  2. Melanie - 24.05.2006 at 21:51


    I get one female of them 😉 I am so in love with them!

    Meny greets
    Melanie, Henr and Fiene

  3. Maia - 25.05.2006 at 10:58

    Wow, Melanie, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  4. Sabine - 25.05.2006 at 11:23

    Which one will be yours Melanie? Does she have a name already! They are so nice in this age!

    I hope Nisha will make me such a present soon ;)!

    best wishes Sabine

  5. Melanie - 25.05.2006 at 17:59


    at first, thank you for congratulation!!

    Probable it will be the one on the first picture, on the left side below with the huge white blaze. You can only see her beautiful head. Shes so interesting and cute!

    My Whippet will be named Nora. It does not rhym with Henry or Fiene.
    AAwww, I cant wait until shes here!!

    I like your Kapor!! Her father is the brother of the father to my puppie *lough* Kapor and their siblings have nice names!!

    of course Nisha will bring to you beautiful puppies, too!!!! 🙂

    Best whishes
    Melanie, Henry and Fiene

  6. maia - 25.05.2006 at 21:24

    Thank You very much, Melanie!!!

  7. Melanie - 26.05.2006 at 16:06

    I put new pictures on my webside! 😉

  8. maia - 26.05.2006 at 17:18

    Lovely pics! Very nice litter!

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